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An Association of Community Associations
Established: October 9th 1990


Crofton Regional Community Center

Community leaders have developed a concept plan for a Crofton regional community center Crofton, MD.

(June 5, 2009) - Senator Janet Greenip announced today that she is working with community leaders to build and operate a community center in Crofton.

For the past six months, a number of citizens from the greater Crofton area have been researching the feasibility of building a community center next to the Crofton Library. The resulting concept plan will be used to lease (or buy) land , obtain the necessary permits, design, build, and then operate the center.

Included in the concept plan is a skateboard park. Originally recommended by local citizens and the police, the skateboard park's operations will be supervised and not open during school hours.

"A community center is desperately needed in our area to provide a safe location for our youth to participate in after school programs that help to build character," said Senator Greenip. Senior programs are also planned for the center which will have a basketball court, activity rooms for martial arts and dance, and meeting rooms for groups such as scouting and Special Olympics.

In order to move forward with this endeavor a corporation is being formed that will have tax exempt status. Once established, the foundation will be able to start accepting donations that will be used to build and operate the community center. In addition, a state bond bill will be introduced in the 2010 Maryland Legislature to obtain support funding.

County, state, and federal grants will also be obtained to support the operation.

Working directly with Senator Greenip are: Steve Grimaud, John Hollywood, and Art Huseonica. Additional support and guidance has been given by numerous governmental, educational, civic, and business leaders from the greater Crofton area.

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