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Greater Crofton Council

Citizen of the Year Award

Guidelines for Nominating Organizations

The Greater Crofton Area's Citizen(s) of the Year is an honor awarded annually to the person(s) who through his/her/their effort has made significant and outstanding contributions to the area. The Citizen(s) of the Year should:

  1. Reside in one of the member communities at least one year.
  2. Be nominated by submitting either a printed form or an electronic form by October 15 of the year instant.  Both forms may be found at the end of this page. The printed form should be sent to:
    GCC Selection Committee 
    P.O. Box 3683
    Crofton, Maryland 21114
  3. Nominations are sought from any resident, religious organization, school, or other organization. Queries and nomination forms will be sent to local newspapers and newsletter reporters.
  4. The GCC officers will select the recipient.
  5. The name of the Citizen of the Year will be kept confidential until presentation.
  6. The officers of the GCC will present the award at a suitable function of the GCC.

Printable Form

Electronic Form