GCC Logo

An Association of Community Associations
Established: October 9th 1990


Greater Crofton Council
Call for Nomination of Officers

To all voting member Communities of the GCC

You are invited and encouraged to submit nominations for any of the offices of the GCC Board of Directors. These offices include President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Each office has a term of one year. Current officers are eligible to be nominated for reelection. Nominations must be submitted to the GCC Election Committee.

Nominations must be received by the Election Committee no later than the date of the December meeting to be eligible to be included on the ballot. Written Nominations will be accepted at the November and December meetings of the GCC or by E-Mail prior to the December meeting.

The Election Committee will present the names of all nominated candidates to the GCC Board of Directors at the December meeting. Elections will be conducted during the January meeting. Nominees must be present at the January meeting to be eligible for election. Nominated candidates not in attendance at the election meeting will be removed from the ballot. Each nominee will be offered equal time at the January meeting to speak to the body regarding their goals and qualifications.

We recommend that you read the GCC Bylaws. They are posted on the GCC web site. They have been recently amended to correct some election procedural problems.

Article IV Board of Directors
Article VI Officers

You may nominate any number of candidates. Please be aware a voting member community is limited to one representative on the "Board of Directors".

Each Nomination must include the Candidate's Name and contact information (Phone and/or E-mail), along with the submitter's name and the community she/he represents. We will confirm the nominee accepts the nomination before putting her/him on ballot.

You may nominate officer(s) by:

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