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An Association of Community Associations
Established: October 9th 1990


County Stormwater Management Fee

A question on the spring survey asked respondents to indicate whether they supported a "small fee to help repair waterways and the Chesapeake Bay." Respondents were told that the county council was pondering whether to make this fee mandatory for all property owners or optional. They were also given the option of saying that there should be no fee whatsoever.

The County Council has considered a small storm-water management fee to help repair waterways and the Chesapeake Bay. If passed, should the fee apply to all property owners, just those who want to pay, or none?

Table 5: Stormwater Management Fee
What Percent
Apply to all 54
Apply just to those who want to pay 23
Apply to none 18
Unsure 6
total 101

A majority (54 percent) of respondents favored making the fee mandatory. "Our surveys have consistently shown that most citizens are leery of most new taxes, but the thought of a specific fee for enhancing the environment appears to have considerable support," Nataf

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